Ryokan Experience in Japan Nara – Mikasa

Staying at a Ryokan

Staying at a Ryokan is such a nice relaxing experience, although I must admit that the food is always too much and very difficult to eat. But it’s sooooo delicious as well. 😀 Enjoy the video in which we stay at Ryokan Mikasa in Nara, it really was a very nice stay and had a lot of fun. This was our “honeymoon”, I put it in between brackets as I don’t know as it counts as a honeymoon. Normally honeymoons are very expensive trips to far away places. ^^”

If you want to stay at this Ryokan you can easily make your booking through booking.com/hotel/mikasa

However, very nice place and a nice relaxing outdoors Onsen/Sento. ^o^/