Our tiny 1K apartment in Japan

Our tiny apartment

The video shows how tiny this apartment really was, from the kitchen you could get anywhere in the apartment with just 2 steps. The living room was also our bedroom, we only had 1 window and a big door. The outside air coming inside was very dirty as it was close-by a busy street and a busy station. The location was perfect, the apartment not so and the neighbors … let’s just say I’m glad I don’t have to be there anymore.

I started thinking that living in an apartment is just a stressful experience, but our new apartment really proved otherwise, it really is important to look carefully when deciding which apartment to go for. Yes we pay kind of a high price now, but the layout of the apartment now is just perfect, the size is great and we are still growing into it right now with much room being leftover.

Probably most people will think that the apartment in this video is way too small to live in with 2 people, however, this apartment size is quite common in Japan. The price of the apartment in this video is only about 10 000 jpy more expensive then the one we live in now but we have twice to even three times the amount of space. Only downside about our apartment right now is that the size of the bath is still rather small.

Great experience

By having lived in this kind of a tiny space we learned to be more minimalistic. We also learned what to look for in our next apartments, like more soundproof walls, more concrete in the ceiling so we don’t hear our neighbors walking, further away from busy streets as our balcony got covered in dust every single day. The air outside was so bad that our air intakes were surrounded by black stuff ON THE INSIDE! Even the filters could not stop the dirt from outside to get inside. ^^”

We really got to learn what we need and want, without this experience we wouldn’t have found our new place which we really enjoy living in now. Not that everybody should do what we did, but try to ask many questions of what could possibly go wrong in the apartments you are sight seeing when trying to find a place for yourself. 😉