All JLPT N2 Grammar – Quick Japanese

All JLPT N2 Grammar – Quick Japanese

A nice “short” video for people studying for the JLPT N2 test 😉

In this mini-series, I will help everybody who is going to take the JLPT exams by providing a video with the grammar rules together with an example of easy studying/understanding.

Big thanks to my wife and her mother for helping me to make this video. It took a very long time, a little over a month, and on my last day before my paternity leave ends, I was finally able to finish it. This was a massive project, the biggest one so far and seeing how long this one took.

The PDF version:

We probably won’t be making an N1 version as the information is just too limited of what grammar is used and the amount of grammar will make it way too time consuming. But we think the N2 video is a good video to end upon as this is the most common test people want to achieve.