My first week as a father – Life in Japan

Voylin became a father

I won’t make any sketches of how I became a father, would be a bit too graphical. But in this video I want to show my last couple of day’s before I became a father and my first day’s of being a father.

It was a very stressful period as so many things went differently then expected, especially that after my baby was born, he had to go to a different hospital and was separated from the mother for his first week alive. Luckily I could visit him every day, was difficult to go that far by bicycle every since day, but it was worth it to hold him in my arms … he kept sleeping the whole time but it was still worth it. ^^

Being a parent in Japan

Being a parent in Japan is not as expensive as you might think, before our baby was born we got ll kinds of coupons worth over a couple 100 dollars. When he was born we got even more money and basically didn’t have to pay the hospital, we got money back from the insurance! Then there is also the child allowance, family allowance, and the low cost for education in Japan.

My parents always warned me that having kids is expensive, however until now our costs don’t seem to go up that much, although we have to buy a lot of diapers and we are suspecting that he eats some of them as they disappear rather quickly hahah.

Second kid?

We will first see how it goes with one kid. Financially it wouldn’t be any problem or a big risk. We would also like to have a daughter, however, chances are high that our next kid will probably be a boy again, it’s a 50/50 chance, but in my family it’s quite common to only have boys. ^^”